
Python bubble sorting

#lst is a array list - lst=[[0,0,0],[0,1,0]...]
#it is the coordinates of the nodes. sorting according with x
def bubblesort(lst):
for i in range(len(lst)-1,0,-1):
for j in range(i):
if (lst[j][0]>lst[j+1][0]):


abaqus cae nogui

It seems that Abaqus CAE noGUI is not compatible with from abaqus import *.


tricky ABAQUS python script

I got a strange error using python script inside abaqus:
Warning: Sorry, re-evaluated sketch transform does not match journaled transform. Cannot use this sketch
Feature creation failed.

googled and found a post: http://old.nabble.com/help-on-error-of-partitionFaceBySketch,-python-scripts-td19351281.html

the solution is to use full arguments for MakeSketchTransform.


geostress balance

today played around the geostatic balance of a rigid body inside the soil:
1. use initial stress, gostatic, got the result called stage0.csv
2. use stage0.csv as the initial input stress and got the stage1.csv
3. iterate 2 till stage5
4. compare the difference between 2 consecutive stages and the results showed that the difference is also similar. small enough.

Conclusion: if the initial stress, geostatic can balance, use it. no need to do another round.